Volunteer Tutor - Learning Hub - Riverside Primary School
Contact person
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Supporting primary children one to one at an after school homework/learning club with literacy and numeracy activities.Detailed description
Come and help out once a week at our after school learning hub. Day and time to be confirmed, during term time only and starting in September. It's a fun and relaxed learning environment with each pupil working on their own focus area supported by an Adult Volunteer or a local S5 or S6 senior school pupil.
To become a VTO tutor you need:
• Good levels of numeracy and/or literacy in English
• Capability and enthusiasm to communicate and work with children and young people.
Application Process
• Online application followed by an interview
• Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check (VTO does this)
• Online home learning and online group training session
• After successful completion of our training and receipt of two suitable references, you will be paired with a pupil.
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra supportAbout Volunteer Tutors Organisation (VTO)
We recruit, train, place, resource, and support volunteer tutors, to give one-to-one educational help and guidance to children and young people who need it most. Our tutors are adults of all ages and backgrounds and enjoy establishing supportive relationships to encourage learning with our pupils.
To become a VTO tutor you need:
• Good levels of numeracy and/or literacy in English
• Capability and enthusiasm to communicate and work with children and young people.
Application Process
• Online application followed by an interview
• Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check (VTO does this)
• Online home learning and online group training session
• After successful completion of our training and receipt of two suitable references, you will be paired with a pupil.